

To test whether a specification ixs,iy is the identity, it is checked whether ixs is made up of one tuple of index-labels that is equal to iy and that all index-labels in iy are unique - the latter to distinguish identity from e.g. projection to the diagonal like ein"ii -> ii".

The identity operation simply returns the first (and only) tensor argument to einsum.


A specification ixs,iy is an index-permutation if ixs is a tuple containing one tuple of index-labels that are all unique and are a permutation of the labels in iy.

Index-permutation is implemented with permutedims and a permutation that's calculated at runtime.


A specification ixs, iy is a trace if iy is empty and ixs contains one 2-tuple containing the same index-label twice.

A trace dispatches to the although the result is wrapped in a 0-dimensional array for type stability since all einsum return AbstractArrays.


A specification ixs,iy is a sum or a reduction over indices if all indices in iy are unique and contained in the only tuple in ixs that additionally contains unique labels (that are reduced over).

Index-reductions are implemented using Base.sum and Base.dropdims - the latter to remove the singleton-dimensions left over after summing over a dimension.


The inverse rule of Sum, e.g. ij->lijk.


A unary operation that remove multi-edges from a tensor, e.g. ijkj->ikj.


The inverse rule of Diag, e.g. ikj->ijkj.


The contraction between two tensors with the following restriction

  • a tensor can not be simplified by unary rules, e.g. iij,jk,ik is not valid, the first index can be simplified to ij using the unary rule iij->ij.
  • no multi-edge

A complete list of rules are

  • ein",->"
  • ein",k->k"
  • ein"i,->i"
  • ein"j,j->"
  • ein"i,k->ik" and ein"i,k->ki",
  • ein"j,jk->k" and ein"j,kj->k"
  • ein"ji,j->i" and ein"ij,j->i"
  • ein"ji,jk->ik" and its index permutations (within a tensor)
  • ein"l,l->l"
  • ein"l,kl->kl"
  • ein"il,->il"
  • ein"jl,jl->"
  • ein"il,kl->ikl" and ein"il,kl->kil",
  • ein"jl,jkl->kl" and ein"jl,kjl->kl"
  • ein"jil,jl->il" and ein"ijl,jl->il"
  • ein"jil,jkl->ikl" and its index permutations (within a tensor, except the batch dimension)

Here, the batch dimension always appears as the last dimension.


The fallback is called for any specification that does not satisfy the criteria outlined above.

The dispatch calls loop_einsum which is defined in loop_einsum.jl.

loop_einsum is based on the EinArray-struct. An EinArray is a subtype of AbstractArray that represents an intermediate step in a general einsum-expression before reductions remove indices. Consider a specification ixs,iy - the EinArray for that specification is the array with an index for each (distinct) label in ixs and iy. As an example, in ein"ij,ik,il -> jkl"(a,b,c), the distinct labels are (i,j,k,l) and the corresponding EinArray einarr would be a rank-4 tensor with an index each for each distinct label.

If an entry of einarr is requested, e.g. einarr[i₁,j₁,k₁,l₁], it's values is lazily constructed as einarr[i₁,j₁,k₁,l₁] = a[i₁,j₁]*a[i₁,k₁]*a[i₁,l₁] upon access - the lazy evaluation avoids constructing the whole array.

To get to the final result, we reduce over the dimensions that are missing in the output. By first allocating an array of the correct size, we can fill it up with the entries of the EinArray which are calculated on the fly, avoiding the allocation of the intermediate result.

Thus effectively we split an operation like ein"ij,ik,il -> jkl"(a,b,c) into two piece: einarr = ein"ij,ik,il -> ijkl"(a,b,c) and ein"ijkl -> jkl"(einarr) but treat the first operation as a lazy one - this way we can use mapreduce(identity, +) over the dimensions we want to remove which is implemented efficiently for both regular Arrays and CuArrays.


Calling allow_loops(false) will cause an error to be printed when if the fallback loop_einsum is used. This is an @error which does not interrupt execution.

Alternatively, a log of all methods used can be saved using @debug logging macro. This is switched off by default, but can be printed by setting ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"] = "all".